Plunders & Blunders

Misadventures Every Monday!

A live-play D&D podcast where 6 friends sit around a table, drink, and tell a story of magic, mayhem, and mystery. Together they weave the tale of a crew of misfits seeking answers, thrills, and revenge. Sometime it's epic, sometimes it's silly, but it's always an adventure.

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Going for Gold

Chapter 12, Part 1 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunesSpreaker, and Stitcher!

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With the first side quest all wrapped up, it's time to dive back into our main story. We pick up where we left off, after entering a secret passage into a room filled with blue light in the heart of Udun.

I took some extra time on the final pass on these next few chapters to try to smooth out some of the more jarring cuts in the audio. I think it makes it sound maybe 5% better, but I did it anyway. But that also means that I'm still doing post-production on the chapters I've finished editing. I cannot wait to tell you that I'm all caught up and can have something else to talk to you about. Alas, today is not that day. BUT IT'S GETTING REAL EFFING CLOSE. 

I hope you enjoyed the side quest, and I'm excited to get this show back on the road. 



Side Quest

It's finally August! 

What does that mean?

WELL. Remember Traze's weird visions? They were memories. Newly minted memories that were slowly coming back to him. And now, you get to experience them.

Over the course of this week, we'll be releasing an episode of this side quest every day, leading up to the beginning of Chapter 12.

6 episodes over 6 days of fresh new adventure, with Traze and some new friends in a new locale. Timeline-wise, this takes place smack dab in the middle of Chapter 9, the evening of the wing-burrito incident.

We'll get back into the main story at our regular time on Monday, August 7th. But for now, the first week in August, please enjoy our first Side Quest: One Night in Luckstone. (available here on our website, via rss, on iTunesSpreaker, and Stitcher!)


Disappointment and Surprise

Chapter 11, Part 2 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunesSpreaker, and Stitcher!

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Catching you up on the production side a little bit, it's going pretty darn great. I've got some time before our next session to give a little more polish to some of the episodes coming down the pipe, which I know I'll probably be the only one to notice. But I'm glad of the opportunity to make this sound even 2% better for you.

Storywise: I am so gosh darn excited for everything that is/about to happen! We're approaching some pivotal moments from which the course of the entire adventure will be determined. No pressure!!!!

In unrelated news, tomorrow is August 1st.

I hope you enjoy the episode, and that you have a wonderful week!


Friends in Low Places

Chapter 11, Part 1 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunesSpreaker, and Stitcher!

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Well, I managed to do it. I know I've been talking about it forever, because it really has consumed my life, but I'm all caught up on editing the podcast. I still have to go back through, record intros & outtros and add the "previously on" clips. But the bulk of the work is done. And I'm over the moon! In the next week or so, I should get all that stuff taken care of, see how much runway we have, and whether or not we get to do bonus episodes! I feel like we will, and those would most likely happen in August, I'm guessing. But obviously, I'll keep you posted, right here in the news section.

Looking ahead, Chapter 11 is a short, 2 part chapter. And August 1st is a Tuesday.

Sorry for the short update, but I procrastinated again and I've gotta be up in 3 hours. Enjoy Windsgar being a gross weirdo this episode, have a lovely week, and I'll see you right back here next Monday!

A Stone's Throw

Chapter 10, Part 3 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunesSpreaker, and Stitcher!

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This update is gonna be on the shorter side as I've got an early day today and have procrastinated writing this thing. On track to be all caught up on edits by the end of this week, and I am THRILLED! In case you missed it, on Friday, we got together and recorded an episode, but before we did so, we jumped into the discord voice chat together! We got to hear from a few of you, answer some questions, and sing a Disney song. It was fun, and I imagine we'll be doing it again, but next time we'll give more than a 20 minute heads up. And now we've got a channel in the discord specifically for questions that we'll answer when we record.

Crista Megee did some more arts for us yesterday, but because it's spoiler-y, I'll be waiting until we reach that point in the story to share it here on the website. I feel like that's everything on the logistical side of things. I love this game, these wonderful people I get to play with, the story we're telling together, and you for listening. I'm excited to get these next few chapters onto the internet and into your ears, because some fun, funky stuff happens. Enjoy the end of Chapter 10 and have a lovely week!
