Plunders & Blunders

Misadventures Every Monday!

A live-play D&D podcast where 6 friends sit around a table, drink, and tell a story of magic, mayhem, and mystery. Together they weave the tale of a crew of misfits seeking answers, thrills, and revenge. Sometime it's epic, sometimes it's silly, but it's always an adventure.

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A Stone's Throw

Chapter 10, Part 3 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunesSpreaker, and Stitcher!

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This update is gonna be on the shorter side as I've got an early day today and have procrastinated writing this thing. On track to be all caught up on edits by the end of this week, and I am THRILLED! In case you missed it, on Friday, we got together and recorded an episode, but before we did so, we jumped into the discord voice chat together! We got to hear from a few of you, answer some questions, and sing a Disney song. It was fun, and I imagine we'll be doing it again, but next time we'll give more than a 20 minute heads up. And now we've got a channel in the discord specifically for questions that we'll answer when we record.

Crista Megee did some more arts for us yesterday, but because it's spoiler-y, I'll be waiting until we reach that point in the story to share it here on the website. I feel like that's everything on the logistical side of things. I love this game, these wonderful people I get to play with, the story we're telling together, and you for listening. I'm excited to get these next few chapters onto the internet and into your ears, because some fun, funky stuff happens. Enjoy the end of Chapter 10 and have a lovely week!


Otherworldly Forces

Chapter 10, Part 2 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunesSpreaker, and Stitcher!

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Seriously, the discord is pretty great. You know what else is great? Art. If you haven't seen it by now, a fantastic artist, Christa Megee (who you can find on twitter here) drew this...

And @eyeteemonkey, the one who commissioned the thing in the first place, took the time to give it a some color!

I'm feeling very grateful to have such wonderful people invested in this story we're telling. And I'm excited for all the silliness to come. Thank you for reading this. Thank you for being awesome. I'm so close (not really) to being all caught up on the editing. I think I can get there in 2 weeks. And then this whole thing will be all fun and games and virtually stress free except for the pre-game "HOLYCRAPHOWARETHEPLAYERSGONNARUINMYPLANSTODAY" thing, which I'm learning to control. Also, we're only 22 days from August 1st! Which I don't bring up for any particular reason, I just thought you'd like the reminder. 

Have a Happy Monday, a great week, and enjoy the episode! 


There, and Back, Again

Chapter 10, Part 1 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunes, Spreaker, and Stitcher!

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Alright, enough exclamation points. I've been flabbergasted and overwhelmed by the positive feedback of the community as of late, and I'm very very excited about some stuff that's coming down that line. This project, this podcast, this game, this world, these people, and these characters mean a lot to me, and I'm so excited to continue to grow and expand it as time allows. I made some good progress last week, and if I can stay on track, then August is going to be a very Plundery and Blundery month. So, here's to schedules, and you folks who make me want to stick to them, Cheers! 


PS- if you're celebrating it, Happy (almost) 4th of July!

Echoes of the Past

Chapter 9, Part 2 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunes, and Stitcher!

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So a funny thing happened yesterday. Do you know about Discord? The app? Well, there's  a place on there where you can talk about our podcast with other people who listen to our podcast. It's here. Thanks, Cai!

So that's super neat. We're all very flattered here at the podcast. In other news, I'm chipping away at that backlog I won't shut up about. And it's going well! On track to be all caught up by mid-July. Which is very exciting. This chapter, though, (SPOILERS) was the first time we managed to go a whole session without combat and just kinda dig into lore, which was fun for me, and I do not apologize for it.

You can find us on Twitter if you wanna chat about stuff, but I'm gonna go to bed now.

Have a great week!


Close Encounters

Chapter 9, Part 1 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunes, and Stitcher!

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It's Joey's Birthday!!!! Happy Birdday to our high flying fighter! 

 I think I need to come up with more of a format for these news Updates, as opposed to the Jazz like nature they have had thus far. But I don't know what that form needs to look like. I also kind of assume that, because this is the link that gets posted to Twitter, if someone ends up reading this, they have not yet listened to the episode, and I don't want to get super spoiler-y in the news updates. I will say that this episode is not about aliens, but it does work on multiple levels, or at least, referring to multiple things. 

I'll try to come up with a formula in the coming week. But this past week, I was able to knock out a few more edits, so if I keep this up, I should be all caught up on edits by mid-July. At which point, I can start sliding some more content your way. But, we'll see if I have another month's worth of discipline hiding somewhere in these old bones. Hope you enjoy the episode and have a lovely week!
