Plunders & Blunders

Misadventures Every Monday!

A live-play D&D podcast where 6 friends sit around a table, drink, and tell a story of magic, mayhem, and mystery. Together they weave the tale of a crew of misfits seeking answers, thrills, and revenge. Sometime it's epic, sometimes it's silly, but it's always an adventure.

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There, and Back, Again

Chapter 10, Part 1 is now available here on our website, via rss, on iTunes, Spreaker, and Stitcher!

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Alright, enough exclamation points. I've been flabbergasted and overwhelmed by the positive feedback of the community as of late, and I'm very very excited about some stuff that's coming down that line. This project, this podcast, this game, this world, these people, and these characters mean a lot to me, and I'm so excited to continue to grow and expand it as time allows. I made some good progress last week, and if I can stay on track, then August is going to be a very Plundery and Blundery month. So, here's to schedules, and you folks who make me want to stick to them, Cheers! 


PS- if you're celebrating it, Happy (almost) 4th of July!